Smashing Ableism with Intersectionality
About a year and a half ago now I moved into a house in the suburbs. When one of our neighbors came by to welcome us to the neighborhood, they came with some gifts. A nice bottle of champagne…. and a pair of Autism Speaks lightbulbs so that the whole street could “light it Up Blue.” If you’ve been reading… Read more →

This post will contain spoliers for Mad Max Fury Road and a spoiler for Game of Thrones’ episode “Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.” So I haven’t watched Game of Thrones yet. I know that Sansa Stark, who replaced Jeyne Poole as Ramsay Bolton’s rape interest, is married off and is raped. And I don’t want to watch that scene because it will… Read more →

Blogging Against Disablism Day 2015: Home Again
Forgive me, readers. It has been 8 months since my last post. Feminist Sonar is my home. A place where I come to put my thoughts out into the world – a place where women with disabilities are the focus, and mainstream feminism is not. A place where things like the Pro Choice SHould Not Mean Ableist post can stay… Read more →

I Don’t Want to Ask
Yesterday morning, as I was drinking my first cup of tea I was checking my facebook. Facebook recently is sort of a mine of pain and agony. On Monday, it was white feminists defending blackface because it was being used for cosplay. Yesterday, it had to do with disability. You see, a series of illustrations designed to say “It’s ok… Read more →

Somebody to Blame
This piece is not about Ray Rice. Shit. Until today, I didn’t know who the fuck Ray Rice was. I’m not a DV survivor. But I know people who are. I did survive emotional abuse from a partner. I have witnessed people be punched by their parents, or by their spouse. I have called the cops on a neighbor. I… Read more →

Blind Lady Vs. Super Princess Peach
So. Normally I don’t post these until I’ve finished the game. Normally. This time, I hit a boss level, and despite a full day yesterday of trying to beat it (and nearly throwing my DS at the wall) I am posting without having beaten the game. Much like Diablo III, a boss was my undoing. What’s really difficult about reviewing… Read more →

No Girls Allowed
It seems oddly appropriate that this is the 200th published post on Feminist Sonar. I am so tired of being told, either implicitly or explicitly, that there are no girls allowed in games. It’s not just video games, it’s analog games too. I am tired of people acting like roleplaying games and video games were created for a boys club… Read more →
Scare Quotes and Subtle Threats – Rape Culture in Games
Max Temkin, one of the creators of Cards Against Humanity (one of my favorite games ever) has been accused of rape. A woman has stepped forward and said “this happened to me.” As a survivor, I never ever question people who say this. I know that it is impossibly scary to share this information. It was terrifying to tell my… Read more →

SCOTUS We Have a Problem
Last Friday the Supreme Court of the United States decided in a unanimous decision to erase protest free buffer zones around abortion clinics. In addition, today they sided with Hobby Lobby in the matter of whether or not Christian for profit corporations have to comply with the ACA in the matter of contraceptives and insurance. (I won’t even get into… Read more →