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Andrea Plays Mass Effect: Intro and Some Thoughts on Community

So while Elsa is off having fun in Seattle at Geek Girl Con, I thought I’d pause to write about geekery for a moment, or at least about a video game. I have three posts in mind on the Mass Effect trilogy, of which this is the first. WARNING: THIS SERIES OF POSTS (although not actually this particular post) WILL… Read more →

The Things We Carry

The Things We Carry

Yesterday Andrea posted about how one is responsible for ones crazy, and I want to dig into that a little more today. Owning up to our shit, and owning up to our pasts is an important part of the process of living with a mental illness. It takes time, and yes, it takes a lot of energy, but it is… Read more →

Thank you, Dixie Evans

This August, the burlesque community lost one of its luminaries. Dixie Evans, the Marylin Monroe of burlesque passed away. On August 28th, what would have been her birthday, a group of us involved in the burlesque community gathered together for a random act of glamor. The Spirit of Dixie Evans Lives On In Me – and there’s photographic proof. But… Read more →