There’s a thing that always bothers me about vampire stories.
They’re so old and their power dynamics over humans are creepy.
When they “turn” a human, those power dynamics almost become creepier in a way because now, the turnee is essentially a baby.
And yet so many authors think it would be sexy to write about their sexual relationships.
I don’t. It reads too much as pedophillia to me.
Which is why I really liked Minerva Zimmerman’s new book Take On Me, the first book in the Shattered Ones series being published by Fireside Fiction Company.
Now, I know Minerva. She’s one of my friends, a writing buddy, an integral member of my online water cooler. Do you know what the best part of Take On Me is?
That I loved it. If someone I didn’t know had written it, I would have loved it. I hate not liking the things my friends write, because I feel somehow guilty of betrayal. It is a relief to enjoy the things my friends write – and Take On Me is a delightful romp through a vampire tale, with characters who feel more real to me as vampires than others have previously. They’re not the suave operators (or at least, not all of them) of other series’ worlds. They’re people who just happen to have lived long enough to be considered immortal, and they have personalities as diverse as those of mortals. For Alex and Hannah, developing a relationship of any kind is difficult, and they aren’t exactly the best matched pair to look at them.
But let Alex and Hannah speak for themselves:
Go read the first five chapters over at Fireside’s website, or just buy the book.
Happy happy release day to all involved, I’m looking forward to the rest of the series, and I think others will too!
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