A few very exciting things have happened – and now I can share them!
1) I’ll be at Syracuse University this week attending “Cripping the Comic-Con” to present on cosplay and disability. Like with the Living Games conference, I’ll be talking about issues of representation and creating equanimity and safety for people with disabilities. If you’re a disabled cosplayer, shoot me a message and I’ll try to share your story.
2) Oh hey! I’m published! You can read my essay “CripLesque” in the anthology “Criptiques” edited by Caitlin Wood of Where’s Lulu? It is now available on amazon.com and you can get it delivered to your house!
3) I’ll be in Seattle, WA in May doing a few different things, and I’m considering doing a “Meet the Editor” meetup while I’m there.
4) I’m headed back to Las Vegas in June for the annual week of interviewing burlesque performers! Burlesque Hall of Fame, I’m coming for you!
I’ll be publishing a longer post later today, but wanted to let everyone know where I’ll be for the next couple weeks – and because it’s April, I’ll be writing a lot about sexual assault and disability.
If you’re interested in sharing a guest post for the Sexual Assault & Disability series, please contact me through the usual contact form, or via twitter!
– Elsa S. Henry, Editor.
Please comment politely with a regular pseudonym or real name.