The Death of Mainstream Media and the Complicity of Northern Progressives
In my last post, I talked about the amazing act of democracy in Texas that went down in support of abortion clinics state-wide. Here is something else to think about: while all this was going on, CNN was trying to decide whether or not muffins are fattening. One of the largest civil rights demonstrations since the 1960s, and not one… Read more →
This is Not Over Yet (But I’m Still Celebrating)
On June 26th 1993 Lawrence v. Texas was handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ensuring that people in same sex relationships were safe from prosecution based upon who they wanted to have sex with. On September 21, 1996 President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act, causing marriage in the United States to be confined… Read more →
See the angels rise up, rise up…
The past two days have been a roller coaster ride in the legislative department. First, the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, striking down the section that provided for federal oversight of voting regulations and redistricting in places where those measures have traditionally been used to prevent minorities from voting. Within two minutes of the ruling, Texas had passed… Read more →
Sound Reflections: Penny Arcade
I started playing Role Playing Games (RPGs) in high school. My gaming group was called Ironlands and we played once a week at a friend’s house, staying up late into the night, rolling dice and drinking vanilla coke. My gaming group was populated by several lesbians, one person who identified as genderqueer, and at one point, a transgendered player. We… Read more →
More Than Just Steps
Last Saturday I met up with some family down in Charlottesville, Virginia, for a pleasant lunch and afternoon of wandering the downtown pedestrian mall there. There’s all kinds of amazing independent stores in that mall, as well as a few chains. As usual when I’m planning to be out and moving around on hard surfaces for several hours, I was… Read more →
Burlesque is Not Consent: The Problem
The Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender is an event attended by hundreds of burlesque performers, producers, photographers and fans from all over the globe. It is held in Las Vegas, NV in a casino populated by the typical denizens of a casino except for at this one specific time. That is when the Glitter Tribe arrives to take over the… Read more →
Context is Everything
Still Andrea here, while last I heard Elsa was listening to prurient gossip from elderly dancers in Vegas. Every so often it’s as if the feminist blogosphere feels the urge to rehash old problems endlessly. My personal favorite is the Name Change Wars, in which one side claims that women who take their husbands’ names upon marriage are catering to… Read more →