Sometimes fortune cookies are right 😀
To Assume the Worst
I don’t have children. Maybe I will someday. Or maybe I won’t. That’s not the point of this article. Have you ever been in a class discussion about motherhood, and suddenly a classmate directly questions not only your capability to be a parent, but the physiological possibility of bearing a child? I have. Has your ability to be a parent… Read more →
Fathers Day (My mom is my dad too)
My father passed away when I was 8 years old, close to Christmas. I miss him. My father was a wonderful father and I am grateful that I had him in my life. When I was a child, fathers day was hurtful. It was a reminder that I didn’t have something other people had. Today, I look at Father’s Day… Read more →
Reality TV & Disability, Part Deux
A discovery this past week has made me realize that we’ve got a regular feature here at Eliminating the Impossible. There are not one, not two, but THREE reality tv shows presently featuring disabled participants. To save you from having to actually watch the shows yourselves (or maybe you just having snark to add along with me) I’ll be commenting… Read more →
The Land of the Glitterati
So, The Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender was this month. I went. I worked a lot. It was amazing! Legends told me their life stories, I danced until 4am two nights in a row, I developed a routine I’m absurdly excited about, I got to spend a lot of time with my mom and MARINKA THE QUEEN OF THE AMAZONS… Read more →
Where’s Dita Von Teese?
This week is Burlesque Week here at Eliminating the Impossible. For those of you unaware of my professional and academic and famillial activities, I’m a relatively active member of the burlesque community. In the last few weeks (especially with Burlesque Hall of Fame having occurred) we’ve had a lot of time as a community to discuss the things which bother… Read more →
The Cane
Ten years ago I attended a study abroad program for teenagers at Oxford University. Ten years ago I got my first white cane. I decided after much thought that it didn’t seem to be such a smart idea to go by myself to a foreign country without some kind of adaptive aid, and while I had never seen myself as… Read more →
Proud Member of the “Word Police”!
“PSA: OCD stands for “obsessive-compulsive disorder.” It is not an adjective. You’re not “a little OCD” because you just picked a cat hair off your shirt or arrange your dvds alphabetically. You may think that’s cute or harmless, but it’s actually condescending to and dismissive of people like me who legitimately fight every day to function without being crippled by… Read more →
Featured Elsewhere
My dear friend Lillian asked me to do an interview for her blog, in a series called “Devil In the Details”. I write about my experiences with sight, and how I live my day to day. It can be seen here! If you have any more questions you’d like me to answers, leave ’em in the comments and if I… Read more →
PUSH GIRLS & MASTERCHEF – the Politics of Disability on Television
A few weeks ago, with my husband, I was at the Avengers. During the previews, an ad for a new television show on the Sundance Channel appeared and sure enough, the moment it came on the screen I knew I was going to have issues. Push Girls is a television series about 4 women in wheelchairs who live in Los… Read more →